PPA: Create package with minor version upgrade

I used this before to remember all the necessary commands, without reading the whole guide again and again. As I don’t upload many packages, it’s easy to forget the details…

This skips many one-time steps (like setting up launchpad access), error scenarios or even changed dependencies, but helps in trivial cases. For those more complex scenarios, check official docs.

  1. Go to some empty work directory
  2. Fetch previous version from repository. You will get some files and a directory “packagename-vesion”, called later <old-version-dir>
  3. Same place, download the new tarball.
  4. Enter the old package directory
  5. Use uupdate to prepare new version’s directory. You may need to specify the new version explicitly
  6. Go there
  7. Update the changelog. The version should be something like <package-name>-<upstream-version>-0ubuntu0ppa0 (increase last 0 for minor ppa upgrades). Remember to set target distro correctly
  8. Check it builds fine
  9. Build source package
  10. Upload it to launchpad
  11. You should get an email that the package was accepted. After a while check the build status to make sure there were no problems.

Good luck!