Last Modified: December 12, 2018
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Publications 2018



Rafal Rzepka, Mitsuru Takizawa, Jordi Vallverdu, Michal Ptaszynski, Pawel Dybala, Kenji Araki

From Words to Emoticons: Deep Emotion Recognition in Text and Its Wider Implications

International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research, Volume: 9 , Issue: 1, pp. 10-26, 2018. pdf


Masahiro Yamaguchi, Masayo Matsumura, Hikari Shimada and Kenji Araki

Emotional Evaluation for Images Displayed with Different Type of Screens in Virtual Reality Headset

Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2018 (AROB 2018), pp.557-560, Beppu, Japan, January 18-20, 2018. pdf



Rafal Rzepka and Kenji Araki

Importance of Contextual Knowledge in Artificial Moral Agents Development

AAAI Spring Symposium on AI and Society: Ethics, Safety and Trustworthiness in Intelligent Agents, pp. 61-68, Stanford, USA, March 2018.  pdf



Marek Krawczyk, Rafal Rzepka and Kenji Araki

Exploiting Wikipedia-Based Information-Rich Taxonomy for Extracting Location, Creator and Membership Related Information for ConceptNet Expansion

Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8387, pp. 262-275, 2018.  pdf



Michal Mazur, Rafal Rzepka and Kenji Araki

Teaching Words in Context: Code-Switching Method for English and Japanese Vocabulary Acquisition Systems

Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8387, pp. 332-348, 2018.  pdf



Michal Ptaszynski, Fumito Masui, Yasutomo Kimura, Rafal Rzepka and Kenji Araki

Automatic Extraction of Harmful Sentence Patterns with Application in Cyberbullying Detection

Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8387, pp. 349-363, 2018.  pdf



Motoki Yatsu and Kenji Araki

Comparison of Pun Detection Methods Using Japanese Pun Corpus

Proceedings of  11th  edition Language, Resource and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), pp.3602-3605, Miyazaki, Japan, May, 2018.  pdf



Patrycja Swieczkowska , Rafal Rzepka and Kenji Araki

Analyzing motivating texts for modeling human-like motivation techniques in emotionally intelligent dialogue systems

Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society (BICA2018), pp.355-360, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2018.  pdf


Da Li, Rafal Rzepka , Michal Ptaszynski and Kenji Araki

Emoticon-Aware Recurrent Neural Network Model for Chinese Sentiment Analysis

Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2018), pp.161-166, Hukuoka, Japan, September, 2018. pdf


Masahiro Yamaguchi, Masayo Matsumura, Hikari Shimada and Kenji Araki

Psychological Effect of Telescope Virtual Screens using VR Headset

Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2018), pp.175-178, Hukuoka, Japan, September, 2018. pdf