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Publications 2003
1 Masafumi Matsuhara, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai
Machine Translation Method Using Indective Learning for Mobile Terminal
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II, Vol.J86-D-II, No.1, pp.98-110(2003) pdf in Japanese
2 Keiichi Takamaru, Makoto Hiroshige, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Study on parameters of the variable threshold to detect local speech rate deceleration in Japanese spontaneous conversational speech
Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.24, No.3, pp.151-154, 2003. pdf
3 Yasuo Nagashima, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai
A Method for Preprocessing in Machine Translation Using Examples of Transformation
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II, Vol.J86-D-II, No.7, pp.1058-1066(2003) pdf in Japanese
4 Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Ideas for the Web-Based Affective Processing
Proceedings of the Seventh Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics; vol. XIV "Computer Science, Engineering Applications", pp. 376-381, July, 2003,Orland, Florida, USA. pdf
5 Yasutomo Kimura, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Response Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Processing Method Using Inductive Learning Based Amount of Information
Proceedings of Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics 2003, pp.93-96, August, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. pdf
6 Koji Murakami, Kenji Araki, Makoto Hiroshige and Koji Tochinai
Evaluation of the Rule Acquisition on a Direct Speech Translation Method with Waveforms Using Inductive Learning for Nouns and Noun Phrases
Proceedings of Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics 2003, pp.120-121, August, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. pdf
7 Yasutomo Kimura, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Robustness of Spoken dialogue Processing Method Using Inductive Learning Based Amount of Information
Proceedings of the IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications Conference, pp. 827-832, September, 2003, Benalmadena, Spain. pdf
8 Hiroshi Echizen-ya, Kenji Araki, Yoshio Momouchi and Koji Tochinai
Effectiveness of Automatic Extraction of Bilingual Collocations Using Recursive Chain-link-type Learning
Proceedings of the Ninth Machine Translation Summit, pp.102-109, September, 2003, New Orleans, USA. pdf
9 Hisayuki Sasaoka, Shunsuke Muraki and Kenji Araki
Soccer Agents Using Inductive Learning with Hand-Coded Rules
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, pp.46 - 51, October, 2003, Washington D.C., USA. pdf
10 Koji Murakami, Kenji Araki, Makoto Hiroshige and Koji Tochinai
A Study of a Direct Speech Transform Method on Laryngectomee Speech
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop Models and Analysis of Vocal Emission for Biomedical Applications 2003, pp.23-26, December, 2003, Firenze, Italy. pdf
11 Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Emotional Information Retrieval for a Dialogue Agent
An International Journal of Computing and Informatics "Informatica", Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 205-212. 2003. pdf
12 Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai
Bacterium Lingualis - the Web-based Commonsensical Knowledge Discovery Method
Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York., Vol. 2843, pp.453-460, 2003. pdf
13 Tantely Andriamanankasina, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochin
EBMT of POS-Tagged Sentences by Recursive Division via Inductive Learning
Recent Advances in Example-Based Machine Translation, edited by Michael Carl and Andy Way, Kulwer Academic Publishers, pp.225-252, 2003.
14 Koji Murakami, Kenji Araki, Makoto Hiroshige and Koji Tochinai
Effectiveness of a direct speech transform method using Inductive learning from laryngectomee speech to normal speech
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Vol. 2903, pp.686-698, 2003. pdf